Wednesday, April 22, 2009

On your mark, get set, GROW!

I love love love to dig in the dirt. There is just something great about getting my hands in the soil, putting the seeds in the little holes, and waiting for the harvest. I haven't had a garden in a couple of years, and then the raccoons ate all of my corn! Well, this year will be different! We have a fence and a dog. No raccoons this time!

Jack built and filled three 12x4 beds for me. I adore that man! Last weekend, when the sun was out, I was able to get everything planted: giant pumpkins, zucchini, carrots, beets, butternut squash, corn, a variety of sunflowers, basil, peas, beans, gourds, tomatoes... I think that's it. No lettuce; I like the kind from Costco too much and I hate the bugs it attracts. Now comes the watering and waiting.

I tried my hand at planning a square-foot garden. Hoping for more veggies and less weeds.
Annie is always a lot of help


  1. Annie will stay out of the garden boxes? I'm happy for you that you get to grow a garden! You'll have to post an occasional progress report.

    BTW: Alissa really would love to have a swim lesson with Mr. Carlson! We would love to come down sometime if it could work out!

  2. that looks amazing! i dont know how well i'd do with a garden...i've managed to kill three cacti in the last two years ;)

  3. I took the hint from Kristine's "subtle" post comment, and am commenting for your thrill! I am so glad the boxes turned out so well, and I hope your seeds survive your early planting! You are really living on the edge! :)
